Monday, September 29, 2014

CCLSC Events

Gun Show – October 11 & 12.  I believe they open up at 9:00 am each day.  If you are interested in going, we can all go as a group and meet up outside around 10:00 am.  Please send me a reply of preferred day – Saturday or Sunday.  We will go on the day that works best for the majority of ladies.

Advanced 2 Last Scheduled Date – October 11 Same place, same time ladies.  This will be our last scheduled date for Advanced 2.  I would love feedback of what you thought of the class and anything you think we should improve upon.  Any comments and feedback is appreciated.

Women’s 101/Advanced Pistol – October 16  This is the last class and we all know what that means.  CCLSC meets one more time before this date.  I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to take advantage of Monday practice.  If you haven’t been attending, the 6th might be what you need to improve your shooting.  For those who have been shooting regularly between classes, I commend you!

I would also add that even when the 101 and Advanced pistol classes have ended, please continue to attend Monday’s to improve your skills.  CCLSC offers additional training and events that are not open to members of the public.

CCLSC Paintball Classic – November 2 at The Shack Paintball in Santa Maria.  October 6 is the last date to let me know if you are interested in playing paintball.  We need a group of 10 to reserve equipment to play.  Spouses and family are welcome to join us.  Ages 10+ can play.  If I do not get enough responses, we will postpone to a later date.

CCLSC Meet up – November 3  We will be meeting up after practice for pizza.  If you are interested in meeting up after practice that week, please let me know you’ll be there.

CCLSC on Facebook – If you have a Facebook account please share CCLSC with your friends and family.  Encourage them to like our page.  We are steadily increasing our numbers every week.  I post shooting information, pictures from practice and random funnies.  You do not need a Facebook page to view our page!

CCLSC is in the Sure Shots Magazine – The latest issue of the Sure Shots online magazine will be released this week.  Why do I mention this?  I submitted CCLSC information and I wrote an article for the issue.  Keep posted, I will be sharing the information for the article as soon as I get word the issue is published.   The link for the magazine is below -

UPDATED - The latest issue has been posted online.  The link above will take you to issue #9.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tank Girls: A CCLSC Photo Shoot

The Ladies of CCLSC took a break from "shooting" for a photo shoot. THANK YOU to our friend John for hosting us that evening and letting us climb all over his WW2 armored vehicle, Brian and Tacti-Cool Guns & Gear, Inc.for all that he does for club. There isn't room to list everything here! Thank you to Shellie Coburn and Dale Coburn for taking photos and all of our families and friends who support our CCLSC ladies. - Kanani

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tip of the week: Stay Calm and Don’t Flinch

Stay Calm and Don’t Flinch – We've all done it.  Some of us still do from time to time.  The key is to admit that we have a problem and instill good habits.  It’s also good to train with a buddy and get another perspective on your shooting.  Even I am guilty of practicing bad behavior and not know it until someone else gets involved!  Having a shooting buddy is a valuable part of your training.  They can help identify good technique as well as bad. Be positive and honest when you are helping another shooter.  You want them to improve their skills and you can be the positive feedback they might need.  So, ladies, read the article, get a buddy and head out to the range.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Only Hits Count

This week CCLSC focused on making every shot count.  It doesn't do a lot of good when your shots aren't landing where you intend them to. Always know your target and what lies beyond it.  By the end of our time in the range, and a few corrections, shots were landing on target where we want them.  Good job ladies and great work making your practice time count.

Kanani shooting downrange.

Who's target is that? Once you have accomplished shooting
"hole in hole" you should continue to challenge yourself
and move the target further away, or change the type of target you use.
Always challenge yourself to improve your skills. This week: "only hits count"!

Ali loading her first rounds into her new Sig's magazine.

Please ladies, no maniacal or evil laughter in the range.

Hollie and Marina checking their shots.

Shellie trying out Ali's new Sig.

Marina practicing.

Nicole loading her magazine.

Heather and Lindsey sending out their target.
In case you missed practice two weeks ago, we had a huge turnout of 13 girls at practice. That was out highest so far! You can always visit our Facebook page to see more!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Tip of the Week: Protecting Your Family with Kids in Tow

Some pretty good advice.  Every family has different needs to plan for in an emergency; from kids, elderly, pets, two stories versus single story homes, disabilities, etc.  But the key with all of these differentials is to practice your plan.  This week’s tip focuses primarily on defending with one arm while holding a small drooling machine with your other arm.  There’s a link in the article that takes your to the author’s website, check it out there is some other information that is pertinent for families.