Monday, January 26, 2015

Joining CCLSC

I have been getting some scattered emails and comments over at our Facebook page lately about joining CCLSC.  I thought I would address the general information in a quick post.

First, you need to live nearby where we are headquartered on the Central Coast of California.
The internet is an amazing way to connect with people all over the world.  In fact, I have met several other shooters through Facebook and different webpages who have many of the same goals for their shooting clubs as we do here at CCLSC.  However, in order to shoot with us on Mondays, you do need to live in our area or at least with in driving distance.  Being involved isn't just about physically attending practice though.  We provide information about women and guns right here on the blog and information can be one of our biggest weapons.  Dispelling myths, answering questions and sharing our shooting ideas are all ways that you can connect with CCLSC without having to live nearby.

Second, you need to have taken or be enrolled in one of the basic pistol courses at our home range.
If you do live in our area, you will need to take the Women's 101 class.  We just started a class last week and it runs for 4 sessions (over the course of four months) for a few hours each session.  You can visit our the website of our home range for more information.

Finally, get involved.
It doesn't just have to be joining the club that means you're involved.  You can get involved in a lot of different ways.  From contributing to those who fight for our right to bear arms, get training, joining the NRA, speak to your friends and family about what you believe in to reading about the issues in today's news.  All of these are great ways to get involved.

If you have questions about CCLSC or what you can do to be involved, please leave a comment below!  Thank you!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A New Year With CCLSC

Our first practice of the year pictures are up on our facebook page.  You can check out our photos at the link below.  We had a small group this week. Women's 101 will be starting soon and hope ladies will take advantage of CCLSC practices. Over the next few months we will be working on our marksmanship.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

CCLSC Turns 1!

One year ago on January 5, 2014 I started the Central Coast Ladies Shooting Club. It has been a fantastic year, with lots of ladies learning to shoot and attending Monday practices.  There have also been several new additions to our firearms family and I hope many more in the coming year.

Thank you Ladies for making CCLSC successful!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!