Monday, June 23, 2014

On the Firing Line with Matt, Joe and Kanani

The 21 June broadcast of On The Firing Line with Matt, Joe and Kanani.  I've been helping out on the show since late 2013 and have been broadcasting with them since March.  In general, we cover news in politics, firearms and gun laws/regulations.  OTFL is also one of CCLSC's sponsors.

It has been an awesome experience and of late, we have been covering the latest in world news and taking a look at our nations politics.  If you haven't listened to our broadcast before, take the next 55 minutes to listen.  This week's episode we discuss Government Tyranny both abroad and locally.

Thank you for listening!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A CCLSC Mellow Monday

Monday Recap

We had a somewhat mellow Monday compared to other CCLSC practices.  We worked on marksmanship to increase our accuracy at greater distances, played darts and worked on malfunction drills.  There was some discussion regarding shooting faster and staying on target.  The most effective way to accomplish this is to go back to the fundamentals of stance and trigger control.  Adopting an aggressive stance will help manage recoil and learning your firearm’s trigger reset is also very helpful.  Of course practice, practice, practice.

CCLSC ready to through some lead downrange.

Recording your progress is as simple as taking a picture
with your cell phone and dating your target.  Be sure note what
caliber and distance your target represents so you can see if
your practice is paying off.
Nicole getting some dart practice at Monday's practice.

Coming Up

Women’s 101 and Advanced Pistol begin next month.  Advanced Pistol students need to have their gear approved at least one week prior to the start of class.  If you have not purchased your holster/mag pouch, please do so as soon as possible to meet the deadline.  Also, if you have questions regarding what you need, please let me know.  I can help.  If you’d prefer, you can also stop by Tacti-Cool and ask the guys for recommendations.

Lastly, the Advanced2 class is closed.  I will be contacting those who expressed interest separately with details and information for participation.  Advanced2 promises to be an awesome opportunity for CCLSC members who wish to increase their skills and benefit from additional training.  I also want to thank Brian and Matt in advance for helping put this together and making the investment to train lady shooters.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Handgun Versatility: Cowboy Action Revolver

Erin started shooting only a few months ago, trying the .45 long colt for the first time.

Nice shooting, way to go Erin.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Long Gun Ladies

During our most recent CCLSC practice, members were introduced to the shooting basics of rifles and learned more about different rifle configurations.  A few members had their own AR-15’s to share with the group and we also were able to shoot the IWI Tavor, Bushmaster ACR (chambered for a .223 round) and the AK-47; which shoots a 7.62 round.

In our trend to try new firearms and increasing our shooting skills, this was a great chance to test our fundamentals.  While every rifle is a bit different this was a good review of the basic parts (magazine release/bullet button, charging handle, bolt release, optical sights, etc) which are synonymous to many handgun parts.  Versatility and familiarity with different firearms is a priceless skill.  There are many shooters who do not have the opportunity or knowledge of firearms outside of their personal collection, which in many cases is very limited.  I would encourage each and every one of you to say “yes” when someone offers you to shoot something new.

If you have been following Tacti-Cool Guns & Gear’s Facebook page, you will know they just released the upcoming schedule for Women’s 101 and Advanced Pistol beginning in July through October.  Classes are held Thursday nights, once a month beginning at 6:30 pm each evening, lasting approximately 3 hours.  These courses fill very quickly and will most likely be closed by the week’s end.  If you or someone you know wants to register, you will want to act fast!  For those ladies interested in the Advanced Pistol class, there have been some changes in the course content.  The new material promises to be both challenging and fun.

General Information for sign up can be found here.

Not to be outdone by Advanced Pistol, Women’s 101 also has a new improvement for the next session; a woman instructor.  This past weekend I traveled to Orange County and was certified as a NRA Basic Pistol Instructor.  It was an excellent class and a great experience meeting other shooters, especially two women shooters.  The course tested my shooting skills, knowledge of different revolvers and semi-automatic handguns, and my ability to convey the course information clearly and succinctly.  With my new certification, I will be joining the teaching team for Women’s 101.  This is a prime opportunity for the upcoming class to get a woman’s perspective of shooting and firearms that I hope benefit the students.  As more and more women are getting into shooting for a variety of reasons, this is still a rare opportunity to have a woman instructor.  Please encourage your friends and family to sign up for the upcoming session.

And finally, once you have signed up for either the Women’s 101 or Advanced Pistol courses, this is your gateway to the Central Coast Ladies Shooting Club (CCLSC).  For those of you who want to attend and have not taken the course, now is the time.  There is no minimum shooting skill required to attend CCLSC and you pay for what you “play” at the range. 

Rifle Day with CCLSC! Nice trigger discipline ladies!

Proper stance, grip and sight alignment are just as important as having a good time.

Wait a minute - I thought CCLSC was only for girls!  True, however CCLSC has the added benefit of receiving
advanced training from Tacti-Cool staff who assist with practice to sharpen our skills.

Matt reviewing rifle basics.

Deep in concentration CCLSC watches on while Matt shoots down range.

Julie shooting her AR-15.

Nicole shooting the AR-15, with a nice picture in picture effect.

A close up of Nicole shooting the AR-15.

Shooting the AR-15, Ali noted "it's no big deal".

Nicole shooting the Bushmaster ACR.
Unlike the AR-15 and AK 47 the ACR isn't a
common rifle, but once you have the fundamentals in rifle shooting, it's really no different.

The Bushmaster ACR and IWI Tavor shoots the standard .223 round; it's just a little different configuration. Like with handguns, CCLSC strives to equip each member with the versatility to shoot a wide variety of different rifles. This is a valuable skill to pick up any firearm and shoot.

Now you're just showing off, Matt.

Julie shooting the AK-47 like a pro.
When she finished, she let out a much deserved
"WOOOO! That was fun!". That's what we like to hear!

Shellie earning her "badassery" credentials shooting the AK47.
That's the way we do it in CCLSC!