Monday, April 28, 2014

CCLSC Mini Event: Custom Hearing Protection

I want to thank everyone who came out for the custom hearing mini event we hosted yesterday at Tacti-Cool Guns & Gear.  Thank you to Elizabeth and Robert of Ear Assist who traveled from Santa Barbara to provide their services for CCLSC.

In December, I traveled to Santa Barbara to get a pair for myself.  I use them almost every day and the Insta-Mold is very comfortable to wear and does an excellent job at blocking noise in the range and outdoors.

It was great to see everyone get a pair of custom fitted ears and then afterwards hit the range to get some practice in.

Janelle getting the first pair of the day!

Carol also opted to get a pair with her daughter.  CCLSC is a great way
for moms/daughters to get together and enjoy a day at the range.

Carol having a good time as she realizes how effective
Insta-Mold blocks sound.

Robin opting for a pair that matches her shirt - well done on
the color choice!

Shellie getting the foam plugs set before the Insta-Mold is done.
The small foam plugs are placed in the ear to block the Inst-Mold going
further into the ear canal and causing damage.

Nicole could be a q-tip model as she flashes a great smile just before
she's fitted for a set of lab created custom molds.
Lab molds take a few weeks to create and are made from a
flexible silicone and are expected to last a few years.

This is a short video I took while Shellie had her custom ears done.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Girls! Girls! Girls!

Welcome new members Julie and Lindsey!  CCLSC is growing and this week we had a record attendance with seven ladies, filling all three lanes at the range.  The Women's 101 ladies worked on their marksmanship while preparing for their last class in May.  In each of the women's classes that Tacti-Cool hosts quarterly, the last class is reserved for a "shoot out", where each student gets the chance to demonstrate their skills and the best score will win a pistol.

This week the advanced students had the opportunity to get some special instruction building on our draw from the holster.  Matt gave us a few new drills including moving while drawing from a holster, widening our peripheral vision by looking left and right for a threat, and "multitasking" while shooting.  Multitasking is noticing when our weapon is empty and the need to reload, not looking down when holstering our weapon and keeping our eyes open for additional threats.  Essentially, this means eliminating tunnel vision that often occurs when you are focused on the target in front of you.  As we discovered there is a lot to think about as we become more proficient with our basic skills.

Matt giving Shellie direction for the next drill.

Julie and Erin working on their marksmanship.

Heather introducing Lindsey to firearm safety and shooting. 

Shellie mentoring Erin and getting her acquainted with her M&P 9mm.

Julie working on her five spot target.

Ali practicing her drills.

Apparently Kanani is a "full body" talker.  She must have been on a roll to be that blurry!
CCLSC is a great way to spend a Monday evening!

What I learned this week is we want our movements to be as natural as possible.  Additionally, by shooting in different environments both at the range and outdoors, each poses a different situation where we can and need to adapt our shooting strategy.  This ultimately will simulate real world circumstances as it applies to defending one’s life. By taking the opportunity to train and practice we will become more efficient, even in times of extreme stress.  The muscle memory we establish, both good and bad will be what we rely on in an emergency, so train accordingly.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tip of the Week: Active Shooter & Simunition Training

Training is key to being prepared for any emergency.  Since many self defense situations are not a planned event this is an ever important reason for more training.  Any training will do, improving your skills and experiencing the realism of what your actual response will be would help anyone feel more confident in their skills.

This week's tip comes from the Breach Bang Clear website and is two fold.

Part One: "Everyman Tactical" - Response to an active shooter part 1

Part Two: "Everyman Tactical" - Response to an active shooter part 2

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Fundamentals are the Foundation

Yesterday’s practice was another great learning opportunity for the Advanced Pistol ladies to reinforce our skills and receive some additional training.  I want to give Matt and Brian a big thank you for answering our questions, offering real world examples and giving us a few pointers.

Nicole getting the review of our last practice with Matt.

Ali shooting her Ruger one handed.

Kanani shooting her 1911 one handed.

Shellie working through the malfunction exercises.
A key skill that will work for any malfunction - Slap and Rack.

Kanani taking aim and showing us how
 to get through a malfunction quickly.

Ali shooting the M&P and racking the slide.

Brian, CEO of Tacti-Cool Guns & Gear, giving a real world example of a rifle malfunction.

Nicole finishing up her malfunction exercise.

CCLSC (from left to right) Shellie, Kanani, Nicole and Ali.

I will be the first to say it can be intimidating at CCLSC when there are skilled shooters practicing and you don’t think you’re good enough to join us.  But, the best part about CCLSC is that we are all still learning regardless of what level we are at.

Our local area is home to On The Firing Line with Matt and Joe.  On The Firing Line is a radio show that broadcasts live on Saturday’s on 1440 AM at 4:00 pm.  If you’re in the Santa Maria area you can tune in at 1440 AM and online at  We discuss the latest news and politics in firearms around the country.

If you are on Facebook “like” their page and help us get to 100 likes.  I update the broadcasts weekly online so if you missed a show, you can access them through their Facebook page or You Tube by searching “On The Firing Line with Matt and Joe”.  Below is their latest broadcast from April 5, 2014.

Thank you all for your support and have a great rest of your week.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tip of the Week: Mindset

Mindset is incredibly important in anything you do.  Especially when it comes to your own safety.  Take a moment and check out the video posted at Girls Guide To Guns with Natalie Foster featuring Dom Raso of Dynamis Alliance.