Tuesday, March 25, 2014

CCLSC Rocked the Range

Welcome new CCLSC members Erin and Jennifer!  Both ladies are first timers to practice and Women’s 101 students.  Thank you both for joining us last night!

I want to give a big thank you to Matt at the shop for helping us out and giving us advice for the Advanced Pistol students.   We learned the “why” of body position and creating a fluid movement when drawing from your holster.  Matt also covered reloading your weapon and the importance of having a full magazine.  The experience was incredibly valuable.  If you have already taken the advanced class it would have been a good review of your skills.  I don’t need to sell any of the ladies in attendance last night the value of CCLSC!

As a disclaimer, CCLSC was given special permission to practice the aforementioned advanced pistol skills.  Do not attempt outside of the guidance of Tacti-Cool staff.

Shellie showing new CCLSC member Erin her 9 mm and .22 M&P's.
Experienced shooters mentoring new shooters is one if the positive benefits of CCLSC.

Shellie taking aim with her newly acquired skill.
She showed us all who was boss - great shooting!

Those two shots at the center-top of the bulls eye, one is Matt's on the left and
in the SAME hole Shellie shot moments later.  Did I mention these were shot one handed?

Rarely does Kanani get a chance to "be in a photo" since she's one taking them most days.
Thanks Shellie for taking this weeks photos!

The 1911 - a classic choice for CCLSC.

Ali getting a few pointers from Matt.
Another benefit of CCLSC, getting some exclusive "tips from a pro" during practice.

Matt, giving us some pro tips for an efficient draw from a holster, low ready position and reloads.
Here, Ali is practicing from low ready and taking aim.

Ali working on her new skills.
That about does it for this week's training and practice.  CCLSC provides an exclusive experience for those who attend and we are only just building steam for better opportunities.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Blackjack Night

Our latest practice featured the first Blackjack night (of many to come).  A huge thank you to Shellie for putting together our playing deck and organizing the ladies at practice.  THANK YOU!

Welcome Julia, Robin and Tinamarie!

Here are just a few snapshots of last night practice -