Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tip of the week: Home Defense Planning

As I begin to prepare to take the NRA’s Personal Protection Outside of the Home course in October, I have been thinking about my home defense plan.  Regardless of the type of emergency, it is advised to take some time and talk with your family, spouse, or roommate what should be done in the event of an emergency.  Speaking generically about an emergency plan, a natural disaster plan is useful in the event of a fire or earthquake.  Expanding the topic for home burglaries or invasion, it is equally as useful if not more so.  Take the next 10 minutes and watch the video at the link below and review the steps to an effective home defense plan with your family. 

Rob Pincus of the Personal Defense Network discusses the Five Fundamentals of Home Defense tactics: Evade, Barricade, Arm, Communicate, and Respond. Thinking ahead of time about these five steps will empower you to respond more efficiently if you ever do have a threat inside your home, or trying to get into your home. Rob goes over each concept and gives examples of how you can employ them during an imminent home invasion scenario.

You can also read more articles about firearms news and politics at Rob’s blog-

Friday, August 15, 2014

Record Highs

Our latest practice on Monday we welcomed two new CCLSC members Marina and Mellissa.  We also had a record number of ladies joining us at the range!

Erin and Hollie sending their target down range

Michele working with Matt getting ready to fire

Kanani and Mellissa shooting the Glock 19.

Kanani and Mellissa comparing the Glock 19 (9mm) and the Springfield 1911 (.45 ACP). 

Hollie lining up her shot. Her aggressive stance minimizes recoil when shooting.

Michele getting practice with the M&P 9mm. 

Erin and her "splatter" target.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tip of the week: Making the Most of Practice

Last week I shared the difference between Training and Practice.  I want to add to that introduction with a few suggestions on how to make the most of practice.  Since practice is the repetition of what we have been trained to do, it would benefit us to be sure that we are practicing our new skills exactly like we were trained.  Shooting drills can help, having a skilled shooter watch our practice and give us feedback on what we are doing right or wrong and ways to improve our efficiency are also good ways to reinforce what we have been trained to do.

CCLSC’s focus is primarily defensive shooting, preparing for the emergency we hope never to encounter.  However, before we get that far, we want to be sure that our fundamentals and mindset are solid.  Working through malfunctions, acquiring your target and trigger control etc seem to be basic enough, but add a little stress to the mix and your skills will degrade exponentially.  Taking the time now, while the environment is “comfortable” will pay off major dividends later.  Dry practice is one of the easiest ways to get some practice if you can’t make it to the range.

A little homework before our next practice; take 10 minutes a day and work on your stance.  If you have a firearm available to use at home, BE SURE IT IS UNLOADED and work on your stance, grip, sight alignment/picture, breathing, trigger control and follow through.  Go slowly.  Make sure every movement is deliberate.  Ten minutes a day comes to about an hour and half of repetition between now and our next practice.  Don’t take my word for it.  Below is a link to Michelle Viscusi’s (the newest Team Glock member and contestant on Top Shot) video talking about dry firing.

Dry Firing Video link HERE